simple Extjs gridpanel implementation with php -

can give working example of extjs editorgridpanel fetching data php , found example didnt work me

i tried , this, wrong

my html

<html>  <head>  <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">  <title>json grid example</title>  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="resources/css/ext-all.css" />          <script type="text/javascript" src="adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>      <script type="text/javascript" src="ext-all.js"></script>      <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="examples/grid/grid-examples.css" />      <script type="text/javascript" src="extjson-grid.js"></script>        <h1>json grid example</h1>      <p>this example shows how load grid json data.</p>        <div id="example-grid"></div>     </head>  </html> 

my js

ext.onready(function(){        var proxy=new{url:'connectextjs.php'});        var reader=new        [{name: 'employee_id', mapping: 'employee_id'},                          {name: 'department_id'},                                     {name: 'name'},                          {name: 'email'}]                  var store = new{proxy:proxy,reader:reader});           store.load();   create grid     var grid = new ext.grid.gridpanel({     store: store,             columns: [                {header: "employee_id", width: 90, dataindex: 'employee_id', sortable: true},                     {header: "department_id", width: 90, dataindex: 'department_id', sortable: true},                 {header: "name", width: 90, dataindex: 'name', sortable: true},              {header: "email", width: 200, dataindex: 'email', sortable: true}],          renderto:'example-grid',          width:540,         height:200      });  }); 

my php code

<?php // make mysql connection  mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "password") or die(mysql_error());  mysql_select_db("test") or die(mysql_error());     // retrieve data "employee" table    $result = mysql_query("select * employees") or die(mysql_error());  $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);    // data , store in json array  $query ="select employee_id,department_id,name,email employees";    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, mysql_assoc))  {     $myinventory[] = array(      'employee_id' => $row['employee_id'],      'department_id' => $row['department_id'],      'name' => $row['name'],      'email' => $row['email'] ;   }     $mydata = $myinventory;  echo json_encode($mydata);     ?> 

assuming have output php

a sample json data:

{     "data": [         {             "employee_id": 1,             "department_id": 1,             "name": "abhishek jaiswal",             "email": ""         },         {             "employee_id": 2,             "department_id": 1,             "name": "john doe",             "email": ""         },         {             "employee_id": 3,             "department_id": 2,             "name": "darick pascua",             "email": ""         }     ] } 

to generate sample json data use code snippet: records.php

$employeerecords["data"] = array(     array(         "employee_id"   => 1,         "department_id" => 1,         "name"          => "abhishek jaiswal",         "email"         => ""     ),     array(         "employee_id"   => 2,         "department_id" => 1,         "name"          => "john doe",         "email"         => ""     ),     array(         "employee_id"   => 3,         "department_id" => 2,         "name"          => "darick pascua",         "email"         => ""     ), );  echo json_encode($employeerecords); 

your html, using cdn sencha:

<!doctype html> <html> <head>     <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />     <title></title>     <script src=""></script>     <script src=""></script>     <link rel="stylesheet" href="">     <script type="text/javascript" src="app.js"></script> </head> <body></body> </html> 

and app.js, i've added comments you:

/**  * store here  */ var employeerecords = ext.create('', {     autoload : true, //autoload set true unless want load manually     fields:['employee_id', 'department_id', 'name', 'email'], //set model     proxy: {         type: 'ajax',         url : 'records.php', //actual data coming database         reader: {             type: 'json', //the type of reader             root: 'data'  //we set our root here         }     } });  ext.application({     name: 'simple extjs grid', //application name     launch: function() {         ext.create('ext.container.viewport', {             layout: 'fit', //we stretch our datagrid             items: [                 {                     xtype: 'gridpanel', //our grid panel                     title: 'json sample data',                     store: employeerecords,                     columns: [                         {                             xtype: 'numbercolumn',                             flex: 1,                             dataindex: 'employee_id',                             header: 'employee id'                         },                         {                             flex: 1,                             dataindex: 'department_id',                             header: 'department id'                         },                         {                             flex: 1,                             dataindex: 'name',                             header: 'name'                         },                         {                             flex: 1,                             dataindex: 'email',                             header: 'email'                         },                     ],                     listeners: { //after render event listener                         afterrender: function() {                             alert("datagrid ftw!");                         }                     }                 }             ]         });     } }); 
