PayPal Rest API date filtering not working. What am I doing wrong? -

i using ruby paypal rest api , seems right paypal keeps saying date format incorrect.

here call:

payment.all(:start_time => '2013-03-06t11:00:00z', :end_time => '2013-03-06t11:00:00z') 

after many attempts literally took date example in documentation:

because no matter keep getting same response:

'{"name":"validation_error","details":[{"field":"start_time","issue":"must date_time string of form yyyy-mm-ddthh:mm:ss(.sss)?z"},{"field":"end_time","issue":"must date_time string of form yyyy-mm-ddthh:mm:ss(.sss)?z"}],"message":"invalid request - see details","information_link":"","debug_id":"dcd8a9ce6a5e7"}' 

am blind or not make sense?

looks it's bug in our api it's expecting raw value rather url encoded value. sdk url encoding value of start_time , end_time (or matter of fact url parameters per http spec). have filed bug , fixed possible. meanwhile if need work, can possibly make sdk not url encode params or can modify code locally.
