angularjs - Angular ui-bootstrap accordion not working -

an example copied directly from
not work @ all, neither locally nor in plunker. don't know why. bootstrap css loaded, ui-bootstrap-tpls.min.js , angular.min.js (angular working fine though).
here's plunker:
getting no js errors in browser, yet it's not working.
please help. need working on website (i.e. accordion doesn't work when write own html/js code).

a plunker created demo site works flawlessly, created plunker demo site:

in plunker not declaring dependency on ui.bootstrap module described on top of demo page:

as you've got files downloaded , included in page need declare dependency on ui.bootstrap module: angular.module('mymodule', ['ui.bootstrap']);

after adding dependency on mentioned module plunker works well:

one more thing - need @ least angularjs 1.0.5 - there bugs in earlier versions of angularjs prevented directive working correctly.
