kendo ui - mix two toolbars in keno grid -

i have kendo grid. using add , custom button in toolbar following code:

toolbar: ["create", {             text: "print record",             classname: "k-grid-custom",             imageclass: "k-add"         }], 

i want add custom toolbar (dropdown menu) this example

i used similar code in demo like

toolbar: kendo.template($("#toolbarisexpire").html()),  <script type="text/x-kendo-template" id="toolbarisexpire">                 <div class="toolbar">                     <label  for="is_expired">is expired ?</label>                     <input type="search" id="is_expired" style="width: 75px;"/>                 </div> </script> 

i want show in toolbar add button , custom button , dropdown menu (isexpired)

how mix between 2 toolbar in order have both of them ?

extend template:

<script type="text/x-kendo-template" id="toolbarisexpire">     <div class="toolbar">         <label  for="is_expired">is expired ?</label>         <input type="search" id="is_expired" style="width: 75px;"/>     </div>     <a class="k-button k-button-icontext k-grid-add" href="#"><span class="k-icon k-add">  </span>add new record</a> </script> 
