How to use any patchlevel of Ruby with .ruby-version - rbenv/rvm -

both rbenv , rvm support using .ruby-version file specify version of ruby inside project folder. want define version without patchlevel.

i tried following define using patchlevel of ruby 1.9.3 neither worked: 1.9.3 , 1.9.3-p*

i know rbenv-aliases , rvm alias possible without them?

tip rails users:

you can add gemfile:

ruby '1.9.3'   

which raise warning if try run app different version.



rvm list known 

it show used version like:


which means of strings match ruby-2.0.0-p247:

  • ruby-2.0.0
  • 2.0.0
  • 2.0.0-p247

if need match other 2.0.0 2.0.0-p195 either use full version 2.0.0-p195 or use --fuzzy flag:

rvm use --fuzzy . 

the . current directory - load ruby current dir.

it possible remember --fuzzy flag with:

echo rvm_fuzzy_flag=1 >> ~/.rvmrc 


from know rbenv has strict version matching , need specify full directory name ruby installed.


does fuzzy matching default , part of installed ruby string matched.
