performance - Patching a classic asp page that does too much string concatenation -

i need fix server side script timeout issue classic asp page reads several thousand rows database , recklessly concatenates strings create humongous html table.

should use response.write or use com create stringbuilder?

you've identified problem, start. speed issue mention because string concatenation uses significant amount of memory - think that, once reach third or fourth concatenation stringbuilder becomes more efficient.

although don't have benchmarks hand, architectural view preference move towards writing com component handle database operations you. you'd benefit increased speed compiled application can give, plus additional features such sharing of database connections.

in addition, allow start building data model future development if looking move more modern development platform; if planned , written may find significant amount of code can reused, plus chance introduce development practises, e.g. tdd, classic asp doesn't [easily] support.

</personal-opinion>, obviously.
